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Leadership Development



The core of our leadership development work is simple, how can people become better, more authentic, purposeful and accountable leaders?


The pathway focuses on Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Organisations.


We start by getting personal: Leaders can fail to reach their potential, not due to their lack of IQ, rather due to their lack of self awareness. Without high self-awareness we can be blind to internal obstacles that can reduce our confidence, effectiveness and enjoyment in our role as leaders. As Sir Edmund Hilary put it “Its not the mountain we must conquer, but ourselves”. 


Leadership capabilities include:


  • Authenticity - ensuring the shadow leaders cast is the one they intend to

  • Meaning – increase energy and passion by understanding your personal purpose

  • Engaging others though narrative, presence and boldness                                  

  • Influencing with integrity

  • Building and maintaining trust and connection

  • Activating Emotional Intelligence

  • Building a high performing and resilient team


Team Alignment

We empower teams to develop individual and collective insight resulting in alignment, engagement and coherent team strategies.


We understand the complexity of the team system. We set up a framework of connection and trust to allow open and honest dialogue. Together we explore the team dynamics and develop individual and collective insights. Individuals gain a clearer perspective of their own behaviour and its impact on others, the behaviour of others and the collective behaviour of the group.


Teams we work with understand and agree:


  • ‘Why’ they exist. what is their purpose,


  • ‘How’ the team will be with each other, what values and behaviours are needed to bring meaningful purpose to life, and what dynamics need to be enriched?


  • “What” are the team priorities; what will the team will focus their energy and intent on.


We foster shifts in the following key mindset indicators:


  • Individual focus to open dialogue

  • Low trust to high trust

  • Conflict to cooperation

  • Abdication to team commitment

  • Apathy to engagement.



Facilitator Development

What is the difference between being a trainer and a transformational facilitator?


Training is important in the learning process, the trainer is the conduit of information and helps with the discipline and instruction needed to increase skills.


The trainer is often seen as the Subject Matter Expert and delivers the subject in a way to pass on knowledge, skill and capability.                          


Facilitators  have embodied knowledge, not just information. They have clear principles, purpose and values that inform how they connect with others. In facilitation all the skills of training held lightly and you both lead and follow as appropriate. Facilitators are artful at growing peoples abilities to think and act in complex, systemic and interdependent ways. You ask people to consider how they think as much as what they think. You support making the cup bigger as much as filling it.


Facilitation is about drawing out thinking, and observing the group and its dynamics and how these help or hinder their desired outcome.


Case Study: Jakarta based consulting firm DayaDimensi Indonesia undertook a 8 week online Facilitator Development Program in 2020, for 12 of their senior coaches and facilitators. They wanted to provide deeper and more personal work for their clients in the areas of Team Alignment and Leadership Development. This is seen as an critical element in their work to create' Leaders Of A New Planet’.

They are now using the practices and skills learnt with their clients, this work allowed them.


Feedback from participants: 

 "It is simply one of the best programmes on developing facilitation and in depth people transformation programme, with excellent modules, delivered by expert knowledgeable and trustworthy facilitators we can model."


"A powerful programme for anybody who is interested in starting their own transformation as well as those wishing to support others in their respective journeys delivered by a team of experts in the field who will support you all the way."


 "The programme was a profound experience I became aware of my limiting beliefs and now I believe I do have the qualities to achieve my life purpose."

Executive Coaching




​A collaborative and trusting engagement that provides the time and space to freely and confidentially explore self motivations, gain clarity and determine an empowered way forward. 


The Coaching process develops and strengthens the individual's capability to maximise opportunities, embrace challenges and create outstanding futures.


& Resilience

Mindfulness & Resilience

There has been an explosion of interest in mindfulness and resilience in recent years.


The Mindful Nation UK initiative describes the practice of mindfulness as ‘paying attention to what’s happening in the present moment in the mind, body and external environment, with an attitude of curiosity and kindness’.


There has been a huge increase in academic research on the subject with more than 500 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers published in the last year. Developments in neuroscience and psychology are illuminating the mechanisms of mindfulness. 


The facilitators at The Leadership Tree have been teaching and practicing mindfulness for over 20 years. As such they are able to demystify the skill, making it accessible to all. 


Combining mindfulness with the latest understandings in how we develop internal resilience provides a powerful combination on which leaders and team members can thrive.

Culture Transformation




Cultural Values Transformation, using a Culture Values Audit


THE APPROACH: Conduct a Cultural Values Audit (CVA)with business units, teams or the whole company, which is designed to:


  • Provide a framework to understand the personal values, current culture values and desired culture values.

  • Provide a way to measure progress towards the desired culture.

  • Gauge alignment between actual values vs espoused values and the degree to which the culture is focused on self–interest, transformation and the common good.


THE OUTCOME: Results from the CVA will answer several fundamental questions:

  • What is important to our people?

  • How do we help them to show up at work at be the best they can be?

  • Where are the gaps – what behaviours limit our performance and where are our blind spots?

  • Are the values of our leadership capable of taking the organisation to where it wants to be - its desired culture? 



“Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.”

– Victor Hugo



© 2020 The Leadership Tree

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